My coaching is highly practical; experiential rather than theoretical, common sense solutions as opposed to abstract and difficult techniques. The people I work with experience more ease in their lives and report having a heartfelt appreciation for their fresh understanding of the principles that can be counted on to to sustain their well-being. Lasting change comes via a new perspective and a falling away of old ideas that formerly created hardship and misunderstanding.
Life looks brighter and do-able again. These changes are sustainable -- they last. Absent are any requirements to effort-fully maintain ongoing motivation, constantly calling upon will-power, or working hard to perfect techniques. My coaching is in a 180 degrees different direction.
Answers to questions along the lines of:
"Am I making this harder than it needs to be? I know it's not for lack of effort on my part."
"Why do I feel stuck, even though I know my objective is good?"
"Why can't my partner/family/clients see what needs to happen? I get so much push back."
"How can I build a rapport, more harmony and foster a cooperative spirit instead of using coercion and terse conversations to get my expectations met?"
Past experience with these questions and others gives me great confidence that our work together can remove the "clutter" that gets in our way having an easier experience of life, regardless of our circumstances.
My certifications and experience include:
Certified Recovery Coach (C. C. A. R.)
Certified in Ethical Coach Training (C. C. A. R.)
Effective Leadership Course- Compass Group
Practitioner Training - Pransky & Associates
FareStart and Recovery Cafe - Staff, Recovery Facilitator
University of Washington- Bachelors Degree
My experience includes a career in Food Service Management, largely in the areas of restaurant and catering operations, airline on-board brand management, procurement, and specialty food manufacturing. My career has been based in the thriving culture of the Pacific Northwest.. I've been on the ground floor of multiple successful start-ups. I've loved my career!